ARTICLE I: Authority over Elections
Section 1. Elections Commissioner
The Elections Commissioner shall supervise ASPC elections according to the rules and procedures specified in the ASPC Constitution, Bylaws, Elections Code, and rulings of the Senate. The Elections Commissioner shall schedule the dates of all elections and meetings for all speeches as well as coordinate all accommodations. The Elections Commissioner shall be appointed by the Senate. The Elections Commissioner shall publicize all pertinent information about elections. After the election period, the Elections Commissioner shall submit to the Senate a summary of all preparations made, complaints to the Committee and resolutions, and recommendations for changes to the election procedures, if any. The Elections Commissioner shall receive compensation as determined by the Senate and distributed by the Smith Campus Center. In the absence of an Elections Commissioner, the current ASPC President will assume this role.
Section 2. Elections Committee Membership
The Elections Commissioner shall be assisted in all their duties by an Elections Committee. During the election period, the Elections Committee shall have authority over the conduct of ASPC elections. The Elections Committee shall consist of the Elections Commissioner, ASPC President, and Vice Presidents who are not running for office. The Director of the Smith Campus Center shall serve as an ex-officio member. The committee may also include other Senate members who are not currently up for election as appointed by the ASPC President.
Section 3. Filing Complaints
Complaints may be filed by any candidate on grounds of a violation of the elections rules, a miscount of ballots, or any other questionable practice, provided that the candidate is directly involved in the complaint. Complaints must be submitted in writing to the Elections Committee during the campaign period within 24 hours of posting the results.
Section 4. Committee Decisions
All decisions made by the Election Committee will be made by majority vote and will be referred to the full Senate upon tie or appeal. Current Senate members who are up for election, as well as those who have endorsed a candidate in the race in question, are to be excluded from the election’s procedural decisions.
The Elections Committee shall rule on all complaints within 48 hours of receiving them and notify the Senate of all actions. Candidates may appeal decisions of the Elections Committee to the Senate. Involved parties may submit appeals in writing to the ASPC President within 24 hours of receipt of the ruling of the Elections Committee. Appeals may be filed on the grounds of improper procedure, improper sanctioning, or new evidence. Disqualifications may also be appealed. The Senate shall rule on the appeal, by a majority vote, within 48 hours of receipt of the appeal.
Section 5. Sanctions
Any candidate who violates the Elections Code by campaigning before the candidates’ meeting, spending above the allowable amount, or plagiarizing campaign materials, as determined by the elections committee, shall be subject to disqualification.
Candidates are required to attend Senate meetings during the campaign season unless prior notice is given to the elections commissioner. If no notice is given for an absence prior to the meeting, a candidate may be removed from the ballot at the discretion of the Commissioner.
The use of Generative AI (ChatGPT, etc.) to create campaign materials is strongly discouraged.
Other violations of election regulations may result in disqualification, notice of violation placed on the ballot, or other sanctions as determined by the Elections Committee.
ARTICLE II: Eligibility
Section 1. Candidate Eligibility
All registered students of Pomona College shall be eligible to hold office. A candidate must meet the requirements of the office they seek, as specified in the ASPC Constitution. The student seeking election must affirm the following oath: “If I am elected to the office that I am seeking, I intend to serve the entire term unless I am subsequently elected to another ASPC position. I will not apply to any semester away programs and will withdraw any applications I have previously submitted.”
Section 2. Voting Eligibility
All registered students are able to vote for the majority of senate positions. Students who are not currently registered but have previously enrolled at Pomona College and intend to enroll for a full year may also vote for a majority of positions (applicable to the spring elections). The positions that serve as an exception are the following: First Year Class President, Sophomore Class President, Junior Class President, Senior Class President, South Campus Representative, and North Campus Representative.
Class Presidents’ elections only allow for their respective classes to participate. Residents of North Campus may not vote for South Campus Representative. Residents of South Campus may not vote for North Campus Representative. Students residing in off-campus housing that is not sponsored by the College are not eligible to vote for North or South Campus Representatives.
Students who reside in off-campus college-sponsored housing will vote for North or South Campus Representative based on whether the majority of students living in college-sponsored housing are either seniors and juniors or sophomores and first years. For example, if the majority of students living in off-campus college-sponsored housing are seniors and juniors, the students will vote for North Campus Representative.
ARTICLE III: Candidates
Section 1. Candidacy
The Elections Commissioner shall make publicly available the rules governing the election on the ASPC website. All students shall be informed of eligibility requirements and of the sign-up period timeline by a “Student Information” email sent by the Elections Commissioner. This email may not be sent any later than the first day sign-ups open. Each candidate must file their intention to seek office on an ASPC form during the sign-up period. No candidate may run for more than one office in a single election. All candidates who seek to withdraw from the elections must notify the Elections Commissioner via email.
Section 2. Write-in Candidates
A write-in candidate must meet all of the eligibility requirements of the office and abide by the Elections Code. To be a write-in candidate, a student must notify the Elections Commissioner of their intent to run as a write-in candidate by 11:59 pm PT the day before polling begins. Only write-in candidates who have notified the Elections Commissioner will have votes counted in the election. Write-in candidates are allowed to and encouraged to host campaigning events. However, write-in candidates may not submit a candidate statement to be sent in a “Student Information” email, speak at the Candidates’ Forum, or be listed on the ballot. Ballots will include spaces for the number of write-in candidates that have notified the Elections Commissioner pursuant to Article III, Section 2. Any write-in candidate who qualifies for a run-off election will be considered an official balloted candidate for the run-off election.
ARTICLE IV: Campaign
Section 1. Campaigning Guidelines
“Campaigning" shall herein be defined as promoting oneself as a candidate in the election. Candidates may not address voters while they are voting and cannot campaign in the dining halls.
Section 2. Timeline
All times and deadlines posted by the Elections Commissioner in relation to the elections timeline are to be in Pacific Time.
Elections begin with a sign-up period lasting at least one full week. During the sign-up period, the Elections Commissioner shall host at least two informational meetings for interested students. Upon conclusion of the sign-up period, generally in the evening, the Commissioner shall hold a mandatory candidates meeting stating the rules and regulations governing the election. Candidates may not begin campaigning until after the Candidates Meeting.
If a candidate does not attend the Candidates Meeting, they must contact the Elections Commissioner within 24 hours of its start and meet with the Elections Commissioner prior to the Candidates Forum. They may not begin to campaign before meeting with the Elections Commissioner.
The campaign period extends through the election.
All regular elections may not last longer than two weeks from start to finish (the opening of the campaigning period to the last day of elections). This timeframe does not include a run-off period if such is necessary.
Section 3. Campaign Materials
All election materials posted by or for any candidate for ASPC office shall legibly specify the date, time, and location of the Candidates' Forum and the election. Materials posted after the Candidates’ Forum may omit the information on the forum but must include information on the election. Those materials without such information are subject to removal by the Elections Commissioner.
Subsection 3a. Physical Materials
Candidates are limited to a total of 15 posters, flyers and/or banners. For environmental reasons, and because in the past flyers have remained up for weeks after election results were announced, candidates may not use mass-produced flyers for their campaigns. However, candidates may still use posters made in the ASPC poster lab. Candidates are encouraged to use alternative advertising methods and be aware of the environmental impact of their campaign. Mailers may not be sent. You are not allowed to send mass emails or private messages in mass quantities. All private/direct messages must be personalized to the individual. All candidates must remove physical campaign materials by midnight of the day that final election results are announced. The Elections Commissioner or elections committee members may confiscate any materials in violation of this code. Any violation should be brought to the Elections Commissioner.
Subsection 3b. Platform Documents
Candidates are encouraged to create an extended, more detailed version of their candidate statement herein to be defined as a “platform document.” All platform documents are to be shared with the Elections Commissioner. Candidates may promote their platform documents through their social media campaigns.
Subsection 3c. Social Media
No candidate is permitted to reuse campaign pages from previous election cycles but may use personal social media.
The Elections Commissioner shall be informed of and/or be a member of all forms of online campaigning (Instagram profiles, TikTok accounts, Facebook Groups, etc) to allow for monitoring of online campaign materials. The Elections Commissioner or elections committee members have the authority to request any online campaign material in violation of this code to be taken down. Such requests must be completed within 12 hours or the candidate may be subject to penalty. Any flagrant violation would render the candidate subject to disqualification.
Subsection 3d. Elections Commissioner Communications
The Elections Commissioner shall send out one “Student Information” email with a candidate statement from all candidates that submit one by the set deadline, between the Candidates’ Meeting and the Candidates’ Forum. Candidates may edit their statements from sign-up until midnight before the email is scheduled to be sent. “Chirps” messages or “Student Information” emails of any kind are not permitted by candidates or others on behalf of the candidates.
Subsection 3e. Financing
Candidates with limited constituencies such as Class Presidents and North/South Campus representatives may spend up to $15 on campaign-related items; all other candidates may spend up to $20. An additional $5 may be spent on run-off campaigns. Candidates may be reimbursed for campaign expenses such as materials/supplies or food costs; any other items will require approval by the Elections Commissioner prior to the item’s purchase. Candidates may not finance third-party services, including but not limited to web or graphics design and social media management. Candidates must submit reimbursement forms with itemized receipts to the ASPC Office by 5pm the day after election results are posted.
Section 4. Candidates’ Forum and Events
The Candidates’ Forum shall provide each candidate the opportunity to give a campaign statement and answer questions from eligible voters. The Elections Commissioner shall advertise the time and place for the Forum in election sign-ups, any information sessions, and emails to voters.
Candidates are expected, but not required, to participate in the forum. Any campaigning events held by candidates must be open to all voters and opponents. Candidates are encouraged to publicize and host campaigning events. Any candidate who wishes to hold a campaigning event must notify the Elections Commissioner within 24 hours. Candidates may not campaign at Senate events except for the Candidates’ Forum
Section 5. Endorsements
Endorsements of candidates by current or previous ASPC senators are permitted, excluding any members of the current election cycle’s Election Committee.
Section 6. Constraints
Candidates may not campaign for an increase in their position’s budget, the budget allocated to parties on campus, or the budget of ASPC. These budgets are devised by ASPC committees, and a candidate may not promise or guarantee the increase of a budget. Candidates may not campaign on the basis of donating and/or reallocating their stipends.
ARTICLE V: Elections
Section 1. Ballots
Internet ballots shall be prepared by the Elections Commissioner and the Software Development Group. Ballots shall list the preferred names of all candidates by office, with spaces for write-ins when applicable. The order in which names are listed on the ballot will appear randomized upon each generation of the ballot.
Section 2. Polling
Polling shall be carried out using ranked-choice voting. Each voter may cast one ballot for each eligible position. In order for a ballot to be valid, it must have a first preference listed. Polling shall be conducted online. Ballots will open one hour after the Candidates’ Forum and end three days later at 3:47 pm PT. At least one member of the Senate must be present at Frank and Frary for tabling during lunch and dinner throughout the voting period. Each senator must be present for at least one tabling session. There shall be no proxy voting.
Section 3. Results
If a candidate receives the majority of first-preference votes, they will be elected. If no candidate receives a majority of first-preference votes, instant runoff (IRV) shall proceed in rounds until a single candidate receives the majority. In IRV, the candidate with the least first preference votes is eliminated in each round, and those ballots are redistributed to the next highest preference listed. Each ballot shall be counted as one vote for the continuing candidate listed as the highest preference in each round. If a tie still occurs after IRV, run-off elections shall proceed as indicated in Article VI.
The Elections Committee shall notify each candidate of the results of their race by phone or through email immediately upon completion of counting. Candidates may request the tabulated results of the election in which they ran.
Section 4. Run-offs
Run-offs shall be held on the second weekday after the preceding election. The Elections Commissioner may hold a meeting for run-off candidates on the evening after initial results are announced. Run-off candidates shall be allowed to campaign from the time after the election results from the prior election are posted until online run-off voting begins.
Revised 9/98
Revised 11/99
Revised 10/10/00
Revised 04/23/02
Revised 10/13/02
Revised 3/22/05
Revised 11/11/05
Revised 11/20/06
Revised 3/2007
Revised 5/2010
Revised 9/6/2010
Revised 9/12/2011
Revised 9/27/2011
Revised 9/2/2016
Revised 12/2/2016
Revised 8/27/2020
Revised 3/26/2021
Revised 3/26/2022
Revised 3/26/2023
Revised 10/23/2023
Revised 4/28/2024
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